Bumped Surface Lightmap 2.0 Applet

Copyright (c)  Christian Cohnen 1997-1999

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This applet takes a jpeg logo and a bumpmap to calculate a realtime lighted surface ! If you want the applet can be a hyperlink and the url is shown when the mouse is over applet area. The size of the applet can be changed with the applet tag width and height values. Additional options are available by setting parameters.

The applet works with gif and jpeg images and produces true-color output !
Using the applet as link is optional (right mouse button will link to
http://www.chriscohnen.de ).
New: resizing of logo and bump image.
Set light size, set ambient lightning.


bump map


+ =>



name value-typ description default must be set ?
link url sets the url that is linked with left mouse button no
targetWindow String name of the used window to open url (e.g. _blank,_parent ..) no
pic url logo yes
bump url bumped surface (grayscale image) yes
movement if set, automatic movement of light null
lightSize int (4..256) size of the light 128 no
ambient int (0..128) ambient light value (global light, 0 no light) 8 no

HTML Example:
<!-- LightMap Copyright (c) Christian Cohnen -->
<!-- http://www.chriscohnen.de -->

<applet archive="LightMap.jar" code="LightMap.class" width="320" height="150">
<param name=
"bump" value="bump.jpg">
<param name=
"pic" value="logo.jpg">